Turning Grief into Action

Photo of Sharon and Kristopher
Sharon and Kristopher

I never met Stefan during his challenging but joyful life. But I have come to know him through a shared journey of mothers’ grief. Our son died three months ago, suddenly after Stefan’s tragic passing and I was blessed to find a beautiful soulmate – his Mom, Judy; we continue to help each other navigate life after the most unimaginable loss.
Losing a child is the cruelest fate a parent can endure. Grief drowns you. But the strength of the love that makes the pain so relentless can also resurface as a guiding light, a drive to help prevent a similar tragedy falling on others. Rather than turning away in anger and denial, we can turn our energy to building awareness and hope. We shift from self-blame and questions of what we could have done better, differently, to what can we do now to make things better, to honour the life of our beautiful child. We choose to move forward.

Writing about our children is so very personal and intimate. We see them in a unique light: we see and feel their essence, their beauty and their quirkiness. In her heartbreaking but joyful book, Judy infuses every page and picture with Stefan’s contagious life force. Within a few pages, my heart connected with Stefan’s enormous heart, his trademark smile made me feel lighter.

The story of Stefan’s courage, tenacity and relentless optimism facing such an unpredictable and exhausting disease will lift others facing similar health challenges. The remarkable love and support from his manager and colleagues underlines the life-changing benefits of openness and trust in the workplace, of not being ashamed or embarrassed to take one’s place in spite of illness and to ask for help when needed.
On a personal note, reading and rereading Stefan’s Happy Path connects me with our son, Kristopher. By capturing Stefan’s essence so compellingly, it triggers what our boy’s essence is and always will be to me. Thank you, Judy, for taking us down Stefan’s path.

Sharon V.
Kelowna, B.C.